The Oldest Maxim
Fourth from Longest and Strongest
The oldest guideline
for leading against notrump contracts is:
The mechanics are straightforward. The
fourth highest
card is
the fourth-ranked card down from the top. Here is an example.
The longest suit is the six-card spade suit.
The fourth highest card is the
6. So with no
helpful information from the auction, the
would be the recommended lead from this
hand against a notrump contract.
Why does the guideline recommend the longest suit? Let’s
look at how the defenders take tricks against a notrump contract.
K J 7
4 2
9 7 3
A 5
Q 5
The idea of leading the longest suit dates back to the days of Whist, a forerunner of
Bridge. It is mentioned in Edmond Hoyle’s 1742 book with the lengthy title:
A Short
Treatise on the Game of Whist Containing the Laws of the Game and also Some Rules, whereby
a Beginner may, with due Attention to them, attain to the Playing of it well.
Fourth highest from the longest
and strongest suit.