The Oldest Maxim
The defenders and the declarer have something in common.
They are trying to take enough tricks to reach their goal. The
defenders are trying to defeat the contract; the declarer is trying
to make the contract. It’s often a race to see which side can get
to its objective frst.
The defenders have the advantage of the opening lead, which
gives them a head start to take winners or to begin to develop
the tricks they need. The opening lead can be critical to the
defense and will often determine whether the momentum is on
the side of the defenders or the declarer.
Unfortunately, the privilege of the opening lead comes with a
major drawback. It has to be made before dummy is put down.
In fact, the dice are so loaded against the defenders because they
can’t see each others’ cards that there was some talk of changing
the way the game is played. Over 50 years ago, famous writer S.
J. Simon wrote: “It has been suggested that dummy be exposed
before the opening lead to give the defenders a better chance.”
Such change didn’t happen, however, so the defenders have to
be satisfed with the advantage they do have. They make the
opening lead.