The Impact of Opening Leads Against Notrump Contracts
The second chapter looks at two exceptions. They are the
result of the information you may have obtained during the
auction: Lead partner’s suit, and avoid leading suits bid by the
opponents. That makes sense, but these ideas must be put into
practice if you want to come out on top.
The third and fourth chapters deal with the other exceptions.
They also ft nicely with your gut feelings. They are leads you
might want to make but are wondering whether they are the
right thing.
The bottom line about bridge is that it is a trick-taking game.
Once you are comfortable applying the maxims and exceptions
to choose the best opening lead, you must put these tips in the
context of trick-taking. For example, it’s disappointing when
you make the best lead, set up your winners, but then can’t get
to take them. So it’s important to look at things such as entries.
The tips in the book on the wise use of entries will guide you to
ways you might not have considered for getting from one hand
to the other. You’ll fnd you are developing the skills to develop
and take all the tricks on defense to which your side is entitled.
The format is designed to make the best use of your time. The
essential ideas are summarized on the front and back faps for
easy reference. The focus is on presenting the best information
about defense against notrump contracts. I’m confdent you’ll
be defending better and enjoying the game more as a result of
the information at your fnger tips.
Thank you for being part of Better Bridge.
All the best,
Audrey Grant